Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Two recent favorites

Gone Girl - Gillian Flynn
Thriller-mystery type. The story is told through character development with a fast paced, intricate plot. The alternating narrative voices make the pages fly by, and forces you to read the chapters two at a time.

We - Evgeni Zamiatin
First person, journalistic style prose. Strong, futuristic, science fiction. The narrative changes style from cold and calculated with no details, gradually shifting to more descriptive, artistic prose as the story progresses and the character evolves. The writing style is actually a major plot development and key to the character development.

As a side note, I wrote two recommendations on Doug Beatty's blog.


  1. Just read your annotations of the books you liked. I thought you might like to read A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess and Brave New World by Aldous Huxley since you liked We by Yevgeny Zamyatin. Hope you like them:)

  2. Here are two suggestions based off of your annotations- Little Bee by Chris Cleave and Before I Go to Sleep by S. J. Watson. Little Bee is similar to Gone Girl because of its alternating narrative voices and suspense. Before I Go to Sleep is like Gone Girl because of the genre (psychological thriller) and also like We because of its first person point of view (and is somewhat similar to journalistic writing since you are reading the character's diary entries).
